In the world of wine glasses, there is a suitable glass for every wine. The shapes are very different and it is anything but just a question of style which glass you choose. After all, without the right glass, an important part of a wine's full aroma remains undiscovered or is lost in transit between the glass and the palate. The perfect wine glass should be crystal clear, thin-walled and long stemmed, tempered to suit the wine and never completely filled. Because the bouquet spreads only here, in the air space above the wine level. The olfactory impression of the wine also unfolds on the surface of the glass. The shape of the glass controls the flow of the wine into the mouth and allows it to hit precisely those flavor zones that are optimal for the particular grape variety. The extensive range of white wine, red wine and sparkling wine glasses from Ritzenhoff visually emphasizes the enjoyment of wine and sets the stage for wines and sparkling wines, for a perfect brand experience.